firs and formost, i was wrong Agein in saying that romeo dies, he can but there is a ending were he dosent, stampy gets the ending were he dies so ya.
ok weve finaly put up the my world page. its not completly done, but thats becoses my world isent completly done.
i may end up making another minecraft page, id like to up load my irl stuff on too, like mearch, and diy stuff.
were replaying minecraft storymode agein, cus dispite the fact i love it, ive only have two save files on it (other than the one im doing now, so three), ive wached stampy play theow the witherstorm ark when i was a kid and dident have it, and i played the dimo acoppal of time on my xbox 360 back in the day cus my mom dident get it for me, thankfully i boght it right before it went off steam back in 2019 and had my first playthrwew then.
i like to rambal. etherway, ya ive been replaying it, cus there are almost like a chapter of content that i havent played threw. but i now have my most faveret thing to do i this game, watch the npcs. at frist i did it to see if i can find aiden and the other osolots in the background. but O MY GOD i LOVE this game and its janke. thers a scean right befor you get to enter the endercon show thing, and you can see in the background gill (one of the osolot members) is the only charter model renderd in ner the jucbox, and its fantastic. 10/10 would recomend
i finally finished minecraft story mode, and only cryd a little. i was wrong when i said that i had one chapter of seson 2, i have all the chapters up to "order up" and i thoght that the portal ack was chapter 2. it makes sence looking back on stuff but i thoght i was just missing contex doto not having the final chapters.
honistly realy like romeo, hes fun, like hes a back guy but his aditud is very middlschool boy lol. kinda wish he dident die in the end lol. i want him a jesse to make out.
but ya, finally finished mcsm, agein thankfully only cryed a little, i think if i balled my eyes out my mom would have came in, but ya. its so sad we never get to see these charters agein, the staying in becon town ending of seson 2 honistly kind of sets up seson 3 with the mail, if we got seson 3 im serten we would have see an aiden redemtion arc, as he says thats whet he wants to do. love him *haert haert*. but petras ending for seson 2 is very "this is the end forever", jesse says goodbye to every one is becon town. in both endings its the same music, but they have difrent conotations depending on witch ending you pick, in the becon town ending its more akin to a hopefull futer where we see these charters agein, but in petras ending it fells more like goodbye, like will never see them agein, witch is true. i think if we did get a seson 3, if we saw these charters agein, this ending wouldent make me cry, it wouldent hit SO hard. but we dont.
we played therow minecraft storymode and remembered why we liked it so much, these charters are actaly our freinds and we love them so much, sadly we dont have the compleat seson 2 (we only have one chapter of it) so were watching stampy play it, the thing is even after all these years weve never seen the migority of season 2, so the ending is probaly gonna hit us like a truch after all these years, probaly gonna cry cus we already know will never see these charters agein
we got back in to minecraft too, there was a save that we started a copple months back, but since then we dident tuch minecraft, but since we got back in to it we love playing that world, we need to get images of it but we just love it so much
remind me to talk about block by block soon