Welcome to the dessert paradise!

Hello! my name is sumthing, and this is my neocitties' website! my website is my open book diary. my website is a work in progress, but its finaly moveing. at this moment my neocities is inspierd by clockbreadcroi's neocities


OK SO, ore wind archer shrine is almost done. apperintly i CAN write analzation, we just have to do it in funfacts styeled, witch kinda sucks but at least its getting done. the only this left with it is adding pictuers to the analzation page, and makeing the "art"/ blog page, witch soulded be easy. see yall later. -edit: O GOD WHT THE FUCK HAPPEND, WHY IS THERE NOT A BOD THERE WTF, IT WAS THERE LAST NIGHT I DIDENT DO ANTTHING TO IT. HUHUUHUHUH


hey all, qight a fue things are happening soon, so were just informing yall. first and the main reson were making this post, is that our wind archer shrine is almost done, we need to tweek a fue things, and the last page needs to get done, but other than that its all good. the page thats not done yet is the analization page, we know alot of things about wind archer and his lore, and the dessert paradise, its just hard putting all of that in to words. so that will probaly take a coppal days to finish, woops. secontly, our birthday's comming up, its on the 28th, but our party's on the end of the week (yes were turning 19, yes were having a party, yes were holding it at chucky cheese lol), with this we need to get ready for that, we gotta make birthday art, and wed like to do a promo on our tumblr, so alot of other things to keep up with other than this, sorry. hers the link to the wind archer shrine. another edit, the "art" page will most likly become and blog page that we post art too, it dosent go anywere ether lol sorry

finaly somthing abit more personal, our dads going in to jell, not for anything bad, and its only for 3 months, but hes being taken to jell on my birthday, it just sucks, he souldent even have too, but hes going to. eh this part was bad to write.


got a good portion of my wind archer shrine done, sadly the next fue pages are going to be the worse to get done, but hey were geting there. today crk anounced that it was hosting the 4 anerversery VA livestream soon and to have people coment on the post to there fav cookies, so i put a comment down, but sadly kellen goff (wind archer's VA) wont be attending, witch SUCKS, like i get it a good chunk of VAs are proticipating in a strike (i dont know if he is, but itd be very on brand yk) so its compleatly far if he dident want to come on. but it still sucks.


not a big update, just something new befor i go to bed. the to-do list!! for stuff we want to do with this site, like "make a profile page", or "finish one of the shrines", that sorta thing.


Tho our date did not go according to plan (as in didn't happen at all) I felt all three of there presents, and tho I'm worried of what will come tomorrow I know that they'll be with me all the way.


realy not feeling grate, i just found out that were going to a funral out of state (8 hour drive) on valintimes day when mom know we had planses with my boyfrends. madey after idk, were just so sad, had a hole plain too. we were going to go to a park with some snacks, draw them and pick flowers and things like that. were just so sad


man i need to fucken remember to update more, how has it been 3 months. qight afu things are going to happen, plus stuff i would like to talk about.

at some point im going to be removeing old blog posts not qite yet tho, there are things we need to move over. i want to finnaly compleat my cookie run pages, consitering we where abel to make all of those minecraft pages there shouldent be any reson to not finish those. and last thing for my update we had an inspection yesterday, super stresfull stuff, but the main thing is we may get kicked out soon, they dident say anythign about doing that but they did say that they may get the housing orgornsation involved, but hopefully we can sort something out

now on to some pointles stuff! we finally got our cookie run fication back! weve been playing kingdom agein and we got wind archer!! we love him so much! sadly they changed some of his animations when we relay liked his bata animations, but its fine. i actaly piced i realy good time to come back, the aniverery update is happening, so lost of rewords, and also. FIRE SPIRIT AND MILLENIAL TREE ARE COMEING THIS YEAR!!! so exided. they sould be atlest, devsis said that they would be coming this year, that the de/ beast story lines would be ending neer the end of the year, and that soon after when the DE story ends timekeeper would be comming. its crazy



wow what the hell, so much has happened in one month and we havent had internet, so this will be qite long. WIND ARCHER RELESED IN KINGDOM!!!! weve been wating for this for actual years! HORAY!!!

GRANDFEST ALSO HAPPENED!!! OH NO! were both realy happy, and super sad. we love splatoon and its charters, and it suck that its super unlikly that ANY of the charters will come back for the next game. we also have no idea when the next game will be out. need to make art for that lol.

the minecraft movie traler looks like shit

site updates will be happening (hopefully soon); were gonna be making a site butten (when i find out how), we are gonna send in an application for the 2d love ring, will be putting our wind archer shrine on waifu.ist, we may put mor on there but one of there rulles is "No harems or polygamy" so idk, and ill be updating some of our info!


ive been grinding on pusel world to try to get fire spirit and wind archer before witches cassal comes out (witch im SUPPER EXIEDID for /gen), cus im woryed that when it comes out pusal worled will be deleated. the game hasent been updated in like 2 years, and witches cassal is also a pussa game, but its so cute! i think the fanbase has ever thing archived, thank good.

but look he came cus he knows what im doing!!! when ever i play i give him loads of kisses!!@!

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im so sad, cus i woke up to my mom yelling becuse were not done unpacking every thing, so i couldent have our date with fire spirit cookie. along with that someone eat the rest of the chocolets so i couldent have any with fire spirit (tho he dosent care for chocolets). so i dont know when our date is going to happen saddly



He finally got his chocolates!!!! *heart* *heart*


Sharing the chocolates with wind archer cookie


our indoor picnic with wind archer



first part of the date, were shering chocolets!!!


me and millanial tree baking together

my first date done. sadly since its so late when im making this ive judt gotten done with the pic, witch means i dident speend alot of time with millanial tree as i wanted to *sad face*


ok so, ive played throw the secent hafe of the cookie run ovenbreak update, it was nice i dont realy care about the event its self but it was realy cute and pritty. what im more exided about is the valintimes day event, i always like this event!!!! *heart* *heart*. i can send chocolets to wind archer and fire spirt (saddly no millenial tree), and fire spirt has alrady gotten his


on that note, im doing valintimes day this weekend and tomarrow, millanial tree and me are going to bake, wind archer and i are having an indor picnic, and me and fire spirt are going to watich a movie. im celibrating valintimes day with them for two resons, there my main f/os and these will be my first dates (ever), and i culdent celibrate there b-days becuse of my living situation. i will post pics. happy late valintimes day!!!!


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